School Counselors Navigating Legal & Ethical Dilemmas in 21st Century Learning Environments

School counselors encounter legal & ethical dilemmas in 21st century learning environments almost every day. The American School Counselor Association Ethical Standards for School Counselors provides an opportunity to have difficult conversations regarding ethical dilemmas, while also providing direction for navigating the legal and ethical dilemmas encountered through the profession. I created this presentation to help participants develop an ethical decision making framework for analyzing and resolving ethical and legal dilemmas through the application of the ASCA ethical standards, case and statutory law, and the most recent research in counseling. It provides opportunities for participants to discuss the purpose of ethical standards, professional responsibilities, ethical concerns for practice, and current research and case law. Participants are also given the opportunity to increase their understanding regarding the complexities of respecting a minors' right to confidentiality, sole possession notes, caregiver rights, duty to warn, implementing suicidal ideation response efforts, AI/Chat GPT, and personal conduct.

I had a wonderful time presenting this workshop for the Alabama School Counselor Association for over 100 participants. When asked what one word they would use to describe the workshop they had lots to say, but the number one word was "informative." Check out their responses in the fun word cloud they created.

Need help navigating ethical dilemmas? Check out the ASCA Ethical Responsibilities webpage ASCA Ethical Responsibilities webpage and buy this book this book ASAP.

Have you ever had to navigate an ethical dilemma as a school counselor? Share how you worked through it in the comments.


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